Song That Might Play When You Fight Sans [<% mapinfo.version || "Reform's Extra" %>] toby fox Mapped by Smoke Ranked on Bancho
<% Number(mapinfo.diff).toFixed(2) || "6.199" %> <% secondsToDhm(mapinfo.total_length) || "57" %> <% mapinfo.plays || '0' %>
Rank Grade PP Accuracy Player Max Combo (<% mapinfo.max_combo %>x) 300 100 50 Miss Score Time Mods
#<% index + 1 %>
<% addCommas(user.pp.toFixed()) %>pp <% user.acc.toFixed(2) %>%
<% flags[] %>
[<% user.clan_tag %>] <% user.player_name %>
<% addCommas(user.max_combo) %>x <% addCommas(user.n300) %> <% addCommas(user.n100) %> <% addCommas(user.n50) %> <% addCommas(user.nmiss) %> <% scoreFormat(user.score) %> <% moment(user.play_time + '+02:00').local().fromNow() %>
<% user.play_time.slice(0, 10) %>
<% getScoreMods(user.mods) %>
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